How can I enter my hosting panel? Print

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The hosting control panel is the system used to manage your email accounts, make settings for your website, view usage statistics and many other operations. This system is independent from the system that appears on, but there is a link from one to the other.

To enter the hosting control panel, log in using your email and password using the "Login" box at

(If you do not remember your password, click on the "Forgot My Password" link. It will ask you for your e-mail address. The e-mail address asked here is the address to which you receive regular e-mails from the system (for example, new invoice or payment notifications, innovation announcements, etc.).

After logging in:

  • Click on the "Services" option that appears on the screen. When you do this, the hostings you have purchased will be listed.
  • Click on whichever you would like to work with. For example, click where it says something like L1000 or L2000
  • Click the button that says "Login to the Panel" or "Login to PLESK" at the bottom of the page.
  • Now it should open up the PLESK page and log you into the hosting control panel without asking for your password again.
  • If the password screen appears again, you have a password mismatch between the two systems; In this case, please contact us so we can correct it.

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